Plastic money or credit cards is not something new. It has been a popular way of purchasing goods and services […]
Digital lending is a tool to enhance financial inclusion. It facilitates provisions to financial service providers (FSPs) to deliver better […]
Fintechs are in the news again. Not that they had ever disappeared, but this time on a more ‘revolutionary note.’ […]
India’s financial services are on the verge of exploding, and the digital lending market cap is predicted to be worth […]
Versatile software and tools that enable editing and modification of official documents make it easy for anyone to counterfeit them. […]
The rising number of non-performing assets (NPAs) and fraudulent activities necessitates a closer examination of credit sanctions. According to the […]
Finance is undergoing a significant change. Payments, loans, insurance, and wealth management are all being reshaped by digital technologies, and […]
Everyone born after the 1997s is now referred to as Generation Z, and most marketers consider them a tough crowd […]
A bank statement is one of the most reliable sources for a lender, a bank, an NBFC, or any other […]
Precisa is a comprehensive AI-powered analytics solution that allows users to analyse bank statements in real-time to check borrower credibility […]