Phone number: +91 98450 76647

Precisa Bank Statement Analysis

Deep actionable insights using uploaded bank statements & Account Aggregator integration.

Use Precisa Bank Statement Analysis to

  • Support for more than 450 Banks and 1000 formats
  • Processed over 55 Million transactions
  • Analysed more than 13 Million pages
  • Analysed more than 6.5 Lakh Bank Statements

How Precisa Bank Statement Analyser works?

The Bank Statement Analyser extracts data from the bank statement, classifies & categorizes transactions, analyses the data, detects fraudulent transactions and other anomalies, and assigns an overall creditworthiness score called Precisa score.

Precisa Bank Statement Analyser Features

Precisa Score

Volatility Score


Transactional Patterns

Circular Transactions

Cheque Returns(In/Out)

Aggregation Across Multiple Bank Accounts

Account Aggregator Integration

Export Analysis to Excel

Precisa Bank Statement Analyser Features

APIs for Integration

Integrate Precisa’s Analytics capability with your existing systems with a few simple steps, and give your team a smooth, fast and secure user experience.

Contact Us

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