Phone number: +91 98450 76647


Phone number: +91 98450 76647


Proactive vs. Reactive Debt Recovery Strategies: Finding the Right Balance

Proactive vs. Reactive Debt Recovery Strategies: Finding the Right Balance

One of the top risks in lending is the inability of borrowers to repay loans on time and in full. Hence, debt recovery is one of the most important aspects of the lending life cycle....
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Credit Appraisal in India: Understanding the Regulatory Framework

Credit Appraisal in India: Understanding the Regulatory Framework

Credit appraisal is an integral componеnt of thе lеnding еcosystеm in India, еnabling financial institutions to assеss borrowеrs' crеditworthinеss in-dеpth. This is a major tool that lеndеrs usе to rеducе thе risks connеctеd with non-rеpaymеnt....
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The Role of NBFC Software in Managing Risk and Reducing Defaults

The Role of NBFC Software in Managing Risk and Reducing Defaults

Non-banking financial Companies (NBFCs) offer diverse financial services, such as loans, credit facilities, investment options, insurance, and more. An integral part of the financial system, they cater to the needs of individuals and businesses that...
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When Should a Bank Apply Customer Due Diligence: Aligning Timing with Evolving Guidelines

When Should a Bank Apply Customer Due Diligence: Aligning Timing with Evolving Guidelines

When it comes to fighting financial crimes like money laundering and financing of terrorism, deciding when should a bank apply Customer Due Diligence (CDD) has become critical. Knowing your customer remains one of the primary...
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Reforming the Lending Landscape: RBI’s Directive to Review Overcharging on Loan Rates

Reforming the Lending Landscape: RBI’s Directive to Review Overcharging on Loan Rates

Recently, the RBI has pointed out cases where bank loan rates have been excessively charged, emphasising the need for reform. Addressing this pressing issue, the central bank has taken a stand against unfair lending practices...
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Bank Statement Analysis API Solutions for Tamper-Proof PDF Validation

Bank Statement Analysis API Solutions for Tamper-Proof PDF Validation

Loan applicants often submit numerous PDF bank statements. Lenders use web-based financial analysis software to quickly extract and analyse data from these documents, assessing cash flow and creditworthiness. PDFs may include identity documents, statements, invoices,...
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Bank Statement Analysis APIs for a Competitive Edge

Bank Statement Analysis APIs for a Competitive Edge

Due to several factors, lenders are now more likely than ever to make poor risk assessment decisions. These include the speed at which lenders aim to approve loan applications, the growing potential for loan fraud,...
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The 5 Cs of Credit Appraisal: A Framework for Sound Decision-Making

The 5 Cs of Credit Appraisal: A Framework for Sound Decision-Making

Predicting a borrower’s capacity to repay a loan is a complex process. Lenders must make a future forecast about a borrower’s creditworthiness based on limited data such as revenues. However, today, several factors can influence...
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Fintech Generational Shift: How Younger Consumers are Disrupting Traditional Finance

Fintech Generational Shift: How Younger Consumers are Disrupting Traditional Finance

Do you know we have used online banking for almost 20 years? Time has flown very quickly, but the financial sector has changed significantly throughout the years. The demographic shift among young people is influencing...
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Ensuring Data Quality and Integrity with Financial Data Analysis Tools

Ensuring Data Quality and Integrity with Financial Data Analysis Tools

In financial analysis, every decision–from investments and risk assessments to strategic planning–relies on the accuracy and reliability of your data. Data quality and intеgrity arе cruciаl bеcausе dеcisions arе mаdе basеd on thе insights dеrivеd...
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Proactive vs. Reactive Debt Recovery Strategies: Finding the Right Balance

One of the top risks in lending is the inability of borrowers to repay loans on time and in full. Hence, debt recovery is one of the most important aspects of the lending life cycle. However, traditional debt recovery methods...
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Credit Appraisal in India: Understanding the Regulatory Framework

Credit appraisal is an integral componеnt of thе lеnding еcosystеm in India, еnabling financial institutions to assеss borrowеrs' crеditworthinеss in-dеpth. This is a major tool that lеndеrs usе to rеducе thе risks connеctеd with non-rеpaymеnt. This is also important because...
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The Role of NBFC Software in Managing Risk and Reducing Defaults

Non-banking financial Companies (NBFCs) offer diverse financial services, such as loans, credit facilities, investment options, insurance, and more. An integral part of the financial system, they cater to the needs of individuals and businesses that remain underserved or unserved traditionally....
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When Should a Bank Apply Customer Due Diligence: Aligning Timing with Evolving Guidelines

When it comes to fighting financial crimes like money laundering and financing of terrorism, deciding when should a bank apply Customer Due Diligence (CDD) has become critical. Knowing your customer remains one of the primary bulwarks and one of the...
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Reforming the Lending Landscape: RBI’s Directive to Review Overcharging on Loan Rates

Recently, the RBI has pointed out cases where bank loan rates have been excessively charged, emphasising the need for reform. Addressing this pressing issue, the central bank has taken a stand against unfair lending practices through a recent directive to...
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Bank Statement Analysis API Solutions for Tamper-Proof PDF Validation

Loan applicants often submit numerous PDF bank statements. Lenders use web-based financial analysis software to quickly extract and analyse data from these documents, assessing cash flow and creditworthiness. PDFs may include identity documents, statements, invoices, and Goods & Service Tax...
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Bank Statement Analysis APIs for a Competitive Edge

Due to several factors, lenders are now more likely than ever to make poor risk assessment decisions. These include the speed at which lenders aim to approve loan applications, the growing potential for loan fraud, and increasing delinquent debt. Also,...
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The 5 Cs of Credit Appraisal: A Framework for Sound Decision-Making

Predicting a borrower’s capacity to repay a loan is a complex process. Lenders must make a future forecast about a borrower’s creditworthiness based on limited data such as revenues. However, today, several factors can influence such outcomes. There’s always potential...
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Fintech Generational Shift: How Younger Consumers are Disrupting Traditional Finance

Do you know we have used online banking for almost 20 years? Time has flown very quickly, but the financial sector has changed significantly throughout the years. The demographic shift among young people is influencing the developments in the fintech...
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Ensuring Data Quality and Integrity with Financial Data Analysis Tools

In financial analysis, every decision–from investments and risk assessments to strategic planning–relies on the accuracy and reliability of your data. Data quality and intеgrity arе cruciаl bеcausе dеcisions arе mаdе basеd on thе insights dеrivеd frоm thе data. If the...
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